About Darfur, Sudan (please pay attention Fareed Zakaria)...
I usually enjoy reading Fareed Zakaria who:
“...oversees all Newsweek’s editions abroad. He also writes a regular column for Newsweek, which also appears in Newsweek International and often The Washington Post. He is a regular member of the roundtable of ABC News’ "This Week with George Stephanapoulos" as well as an analyst for ABC News. He is the host of a new weekly PBS show, "Foreign Exchange," which focuses on international affairs.”
So you’d think that this New Yorker with B.A. from Yale and a Ph.D. in political science from Harvard might actually get his facts straight. But alas! No such luck. Here’s what he writes about Darfur, Sudan, in his most recent column, entitled "How To Stop a Genocide" (at least the headline speaks the truth) in Newsweek (March 20, 2006), which you can read on his website:
The conflict in Darfur arose from a series of political disputes between two
groups: the Arabs who make up the government-backed Janjaweed militia versus the region's non-Arab farmers. In 002, the Janjaweed engaged in particularly bloody massacres, and the non-Arab tribes launched a rebellion against the dictatorship
in Khartoum. The government responded by unleashing the Janjaweed, who since
then have engaged in mass rapes, killings and lootings…”
This is a politically correct statement, an accepted de facto fact that really contains only partial facts. As usual with reports about Sudan, his comment is only a half-truth and barely touches on the actual facts. Here are the facts…
ANSWER: The Arabification of Africa. The systematic killing-off of the indigenous black African population.
The Sudan conflict is specifically about Arabs killing off the indigenous black African population, even though that black African population is alrady 98 per cent Muslim. The conflict in Darfur arose from a series of political disputes between two groups – The Arabs who are in control of the government and give orders to their “Janjaweed” militias after years of systematically killing off the indigenous black African population. This has nothing to do with "the region's non-Arab farmers." They could be cowboys or miners or lawyers, this is about skin color and tribal heritage, green fertile land in the South, and oil the Sudanese are hoping to find off their coastline. At least Zakaria got the "non-Arab" part correct.
When Sudan gained independence from colonial Britian in 1956 they had an estimated 30 million inhabitants of Africa’s largest country (equal in size to the US east of the Mississippi). Even the name “Sudan” comes from the Arabic bilad as-Sudan “land of the blacks.” Almost all of the people of the North are Muslim, with the Southern part of Sudan mostly animists or Christians, though the Muslims are making big inroads there due to forced conversion and outright murder. Prior to 1956 Sudan was often portrayed as a “bridge” between the Arab world and black Africa. Prior to that this land has been fought over for generations. The two parties doing the fighting? Ethnic Arabs and the indigenous black African population. It’s that simple.
Now the Islamists have moved down into the middle of the continent. Nigeria is the most recent battleground. The second largest untapped oil reserves in the world are located just off the coast of Nigeria in West Africa, and it will all fall into the control of Islamists who are quickly taking control in that African nation. In fact, Sharia law is now the norm in the Northern half of Nigeria, and religious riots in support of Sharia for the entire country now roil the land. In Southern Nigeria, “rebels” (Islamists) are fighting government forces much as they did in North Africa. It’s all about control - control of people by controlling the religion to control the wealth.
So the Western media will continue to call these radical Islamist fundamentalists "rebels" never identifying them as who they truly are (Islamists focused on the Arabification of the world via the Caliphate) so the rest of the world will watch and wait until it's too late to do anything about it.